Pathology & Oncology Research
Oroxylin a could be a Promising Radiosensitizer for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Inducing G2/M Arrest and Activating Apoptosis
Xia Qian1  Yangyang Ge1  Baixia Yang1  Feng Wang1  Cheng Tan1  Zhifeng Guan1  Jing Cai1 
[1]Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Nantong University$$
关键词: G2/M arrest;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s12253-016-0106-1
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】
To evaluate the radiosensitization of Oroxylin A on esophageal carcinoma cell as well as the optimal scheduling of Oroxylin A and radiotherapy (RT). Cell proliferation was estimated by a CCK8 assay. Radiosensitization was evaluated by a clonogenic survival assay. The progressions of Cell apoptosis and Cell cycle were investigated by flow cytometry. Expressions of survivin and cell cycle regulators were evaluated by Western blot analysis. A dose-dependent cell survival reduction was found in response to radiation with or without Oroxylin A. The apoptosis rates were remarkably dose-dependent higher in combination groups than in either Oroxylin A or radiation alone group. Besides, Oroxylin A could obviously radiosensitize ESCC cells by arresting tumor cells in G2/M phase and regulating cyclin B1 and Cdc 2 protein expression. Oroxylin A could be a promising radiosensitizer for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by inducing G2/M phase blocking and activating cell apoptosis.
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