Pathology & Oncology Research
Long Non-Coding RNA lincRNA-ROR Promotes the Progression of Colon Cancer and Holds Prognostic Value by Associating with miR-145
Changkuo Liu1  Peng Zhou1  Lixia Sun1  Lei Sun1  Danfeng Liu1 
[1]The Second People’s Hospital of Wuhu$$
关键词: Oncogene;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s12253-016-0061-x
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】
Large intergenic non-coding RNA ribonucleic acids-ROR (lincRNA-ROR) has been reported to exert impacts on the maintenance of induced pluripotent stem cells and embryonic stem cells, and play important roles in human hepatocellular cancer. It contributes to tumorigenesis and metastasis and functions as a competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) by sponging miR-145 in breast cancer. However, its clinical significance and prognostic value in colon cancer remain unknown. The aim of the present study was to clarify the clinicopathological role and prognostic value of lincRNA-ROR and miR-145 in colon cancer. In the present study, qRT-PCR was performed to measure the expression levels of lincRNA-ROR in colon cancer tissues and cell lines. Then, the clinicopathological significance and prognostic value of lincRNA-ROR were analyzed. LincRNA-ROR expression correlated with pT stage, pN stage, AJCC stage and vascular invasion. Knockdown of lincRNA-ROR restored the expression of miR-145, and had a significant influence on colon cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Patients of the high lincRNA-ROR/low miR-145 group had significantly poorer outcomes than those of the low lincRNA-ROR/high miR-145 group. Taken together, Overexpression of lincRNA-ROR combined with depletion of miR-145 may exert crucial impact on colon cancer prognosis evaluation and treatment.
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