Search for narrow-width resonances incollisons at $sqrt(s)=1.8$ TeV
DØ Collaboration at FNAL, USA1  Supriya Jain2 
[1] $$;Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai 400 005, India$$
关键词: YAG laser;    oxide layer;    contamination;    cleaning.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】

We present a preliminary result on a search for narrow-width resonances that decay into $tar{t}$ pairs using 130 pb-1 of lepton + jets data in $par{p}$ collisions at $sqrt{s} =1.8$ TeV. No significant deviation is observed from prediction of the standard model, and upper limits at 95% confidence on the product of the production cross-section and its branching fraction to $tar{t}$ are presented for narrow-width resonances, as a function of resonance mass $M_{X}$. We also use these limits to exclude the existence of a leptophobic top-color particle 𝑋, with $M_{X} < 560$ GeV/c2 and width ${𝛤_X} = 0.012 M_{X}$.

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