Tokamak Plasmas : Electron temperature $(T_{e})$ measurements by Thomson scattering system
R Rajesh1  Aruna Thakkar1  Chhaya Chavda1  Manoj Kumar1  S K Varshney1  Aditya Team1  B Ramesh Kumar1  N C Patel1  Ajai Kumar1 
[1]Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar 382 428, India$$
关键词: Thomson scattering;    plasma diagnostics.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】
Thomson scattering technique based on high power laser has already proved its superoirity in measuring the electron temperature (𝑇e) and density (𝑛e) in fusion plasma devices like tokamaks. The method is a direct and unambiguous one, widely used for the localised and simultaneous measurements of the above parameters. In Thomson scattering experiment, the light scattered by the plasma electrons is used for the measurements. The plasma electron temperature is measured from the Doppler shifted scattered spectrum and density from the total scattered intensity. A single point Thomson scattering system involving a 𝑄-switched ruby laser and PMTs as the detector is deployed in ADITYA tokamak to give the plasma electron parameters. The system is capable of providing the parameters 𝑇e from 30 eV to 1 keV and 𝑛e from 5 × 1012 cm-3-5× 1013 cm-3. The system is also able to give the parameter profile from the plasma center (𝑍 = 0 cm) to a vertical position of 𝑍 = +22 cm to 𝑍 = -14 cm, with a spatial resolution of 1 cm on shot to shot basis. This paper discusses the initial measurements of the plasma temperature from ADITYA.
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