Journal of astrophysics and astronomy
Possible Effect of the Earth’s Inertial Induction on the Orbital Decay of LAGEOS
Ujjal Dey1  Samanwita Kar1  Amitabha Ghosh11 
[1] Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah 711 103, India.$$
关键词: Inertial induction--LAGEOS--orbital decay.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】

The theory of velocity dependent inertial induction, based upon extended Mach's principle, has been able to generate many interesting results related to celestial mechanics and cosmological problems. Because of the extremely minute magnitude of the effect its presence can be detected through the motion of accurately observed bodies like Earth satellites. LAGEOS I and II are medium altitude satellites with nearly circular orbits. The motions of these satellites are accurately recorded and the past data of a few decades help to test many theories including the general theory of relativity. Therefore, it is hoped that the effect of the Earth's inertial induction can have any detectable effect on the motion of these satellites. It is established that the semi-major axis of LAGEOS I is decreasing at the rate of 1.3 mm/d. As the atmospheric drag is negligible at that altitude, a proper explanation of the secular change has been wanting, and, therefore, this paper examines the effect of the Earth's inertial induction effect on LAGEOS I. Past researches have established that Yarkovsky thermal drag, charged and neutral particle drag might be the possible mechanisms for this orbital decay. Inertial induction is found to generate a perturbing force that results in 0.33 mm/d decay of the semi-major axis. Some other changes are also predicted and the phenomenon also helps to explain the observed changes in the orbits of a few other satellites. The results indicate the feasibility of the theory of inertial induction i.e. the dynamic gravitation phenomenon of the Earth on its satellites as a possible partial cause for orbital decay.

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