Journal of astrophysics and astronomy
Error Analysis of Ia Supernova and Query on Cosmic Dark Energy
Jie Zha2  Qiuhe Peng1 22  Yu Liang1  Zhi-qian Luo2  Kun Wang2  Yiming Hu1 
[1] School of Astronomy & Space Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.$$;The Normal University of West China, Nanchong, China.$$
关键词: Error analysis;    Ia supernova;    accelerating expansion of the Universe.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】

Some serious faults in error analysis of observations for SNIa have been found. Redoing the same error analysis of SNIa, by our idea, it is found that the average total observational error of SNIa is obviously greater than 0.55𝑚, so we can not decide whether the Universe is an accelerating expansion or not.

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