Journal of astrophysics and astronomy
Helioseismic Effects of Energetic Transients
Ashok Ambastha11 
[1]Udaipur Solar Observatory, Physical Research Laboratory, Udaipur 313 001, India.$$
关键词: Helioseismic effects—solar activity—solar transients.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】
Photospheric and chromospheric signatures related to large, energetic transients such as flares and CMEs, have been extensively reported during the last several years. In addition, energetic solar transients are expected to cause helioseismic effects. Some of the recent results are reviewed here; in particular, the helioseismic effects of the powerful flares in superactive region, NOAA 10486, including the 4B/X17 superflare of October 28, 2003. We also examine the temporal variations of power in low-𝑙 modes during the period May 1995–October 2005, and compare with daily, disk-integrated flare- and CME-indices to infer the effect of transients on the scale of whole solar disk.
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