Journal of genetics
Genetic structure of a novel biofuel-producing microorganism community
MArco Trifuoggi4  Paola Cennamo1  Bruna De Felice13  Laura Martino2  Olga De Castro2  Valeria Di Onofrio5  Vito Onofrio Blasi3  Valerio Condorelli4  Marco Guida2 
[1] University ‘Suor Orsola Benincasa’, Via Santa Caterina da Siena, 80135 Naples, Italy$$;Department of Biological Sciences, University of Naples ‘FedericoII’, Via Mezzocannone 16, 80134 Napoli, Italy$$;Department of Life Sciences, University of Naples II, Via Vivaldi 43, 81100 Caserta, Italy$$;Department of Chemistry, University of Naples ‘FedericoII’, Via Cintia, 80126 Napoli, Italy$$;University ‘Parthenope’ of Naples, Via A F Acton, 38 80133 Naples, Italy$$
关键词: biofuel;    ethanol;    microbial community;    cheese whey.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】

Biofuels are an important alternative, renewable source of energy in the face of the ongoing depletion of fossil fuels. Cheese whey is a dairy industry waste characterized by high lactose concentration, which represents a significant environmental problem. Bio-ethanol production by cheese whey could be an effective nonvegetable source for renewable energy production. Here, we report the isolation of a mixed microbial population, able to produce ethanol as main fermentation product from fermenting whey. The microbial consortium has been used to perform a batch fermentation of crude whey in both anoxic and hypoxic conditions. Maximum ethanol concentrations achieved in this study was obtained using the mixed culture in hypoxic conditions, grown at pH 4 and 30°C, with ethanol production yield of 60 g/L. Our research has pointed out an alternative way to both dispose and valorize cheese whey, a dairy by-product that could cause water pollution and harm to the environment if not properly treated.

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