Crop Science
Value of Locations for Representing Mega-Environments and for Discriminating Yield of Watermelon in the U.S.
Dia, Mahendra5  Davis, Angela R.7  King, Stephen1  Olson, Stephen8  Tolla, Gregory E.6  Price, Daniel S.2  Wehner, Todd C.5  Juarez, Benito4  Hassell, Richard3  Bernier, Jerome6  Boyhan, George E.9 
[1]Texas A&M Univ., Dep. of Hort. Sci., 1500 Research Pkwy, Ste A120, College Station, TX 77845$$
[2]Georgia County Extension, SW District, 110 West 13th Ave, Suite C, Cordele, GA 31015$$
[3]Clemson Univ., Coastal Research and Education Center, 2700 Savannah Hwy, Charleston, SC 29414$$
[4]2387 McNary Way, Woodland, CA 95776$$
[5]Dep. of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 27695-7609$$
[6]Monsanto/Seminis Veg Seeds, 37437 State Hwy 16, Woodland, CA 95695$$
[7]USDA–ARS, 911 East Highway 3, Lane, OK 74555$$
[8]North Florida REC, Univ. of Florida, 155 Research Road, Quincy, FL 32351-5677$$
[9]Univ. of Georgia, Dep. of Hort., 1111 Miller Plant Science Bldg., Athens, GA 30602$$
关键词: Facial Expression;    FACS;    Fuzzy Inference System;    Feature Extraction;    HCI.;   
DOI  :  10.2135/cropsci2015.11.0698
来源: Crop Science
【 摘 要 】
In a crop breeding program, multiple-location trials can be used to define target regions and mega-environments that, in turn, will help the breeder develop stable cultivars. In addition, locations can be chosen that are efficient for distinguishing among cultivars (genotypes) and that are good representatives of the target regions. The objectives of this study were to study mega-environments and identify test locations that were both discriminating and representative of target regions. Watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai] fruit yield and yield components were evaluated in 3 yr and eight locations using replicated, multiple-harvest trials. Data were analyzed using genotype main effect and genotype × environment interaction (GGE) biplot model as well as other methods for stability analysis. Marketable yield and percentage early fruit had a nonrepeatable crossover pattern and thus, formed a single and complex mega-environment. Two key locations, (Kinston, NC, and Charleston, SC) were efficient representatives of two mega-environments for fruit count. Locations at Woodland, CA, and College Station, TX, can be used interchangeably for identifying genotypes with high percentage cull fruit. There was only one mega-environment for fruit size. Identification of mega-environments for watermelon in the southern United States has implications for future breeding and genotype evaluation in the United States including the use of specialized genotypes for high performance in specific locations.
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