Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
Workshop on Beauty and Explanation in Mathematics
Raman-Sundström, Manya1 
[1]Umeå University
关键词: Beauty;    Aesthetics;    Explanation;    Philosophy;    Mathematics;   
DOI  :  10.5642/jhummath.201401.16
来源: Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation
【 摘 要 】
On March 10-12, 2014, Umeå University in Sweden will host a workshop on mathematical beauty and explanation. The goal of this workshop is explore the question of whether beauty and explanation are related in mathematics. The workshop will bring together top researchers from fields such as mathematics, philosophy, and mathematics education for which this topic is relevant. Many of these researchers have till now worked within their own discipline boundaries on related topics, but have not met or worked with each other. We hope the workshop not only develops the programs of these established researchers, but also sparks interest in young researchers and encourages others to contribute to this specific question, or other related questions about the nature of mathematics. Registration is currently open, and will remain so until the capacity, of around 30 participants, is filled.
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