International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
Pedestrian Tracking Based on Camshift with Kalman Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles
Linhui Li1  Yibing Zhao1  Zongyan Zhao1  Lie Guo1 
关键词: Autonomous Vehicles;    Pedestrian Tracking;    Kalman Filter;    Camshift Algorithm;    Colour Probability Distribution;   
DOI  :  10.5772/62758
来源: InTech
【 摘 要 】

Pedestrian detection and tracking is the key to autonomous vehicle navigation systems avoiding potentially dangerous situations. Firstly, the probability distribution of colour information is established after a pedestrian is located in an image. Then the detected results are utilized to initialize a Kalman filter to predict the possible position of the pedestrian centroid in the future frame. A Camshift tracking algorithm is used to track the pedestrian in the specific search window of the next frame based on the prediction results. The actual position of the pedestrian centroid is output from the Camshift tracking algorithm to update the gain and error covariance matrix of the Kalman filter. Experimental results in real traffic situations show the proposed pedestrian tracking algorithm can achieve good performance even when they are partly occluded in inconsistent illumination circumstances.

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