FEBS Letters
Ospdr9, which encodes a PDR‐type ABC transporter, is induced by heavy metals, hypoxic stress and redox perturbations in rice roots
Moons, Ann1 
[1] Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Ottawa, 30 Marie Curie, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1N 6N5
关键词: ATP-binding cassette protein;    Pleiotropic drug resistance protein;    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) root;    Heavy metal stress;    Jasmonic acid;    Hypoxic stress;    Redox perturbation;    ABA;    abscisic acid;    ABC;    ATP-binding cassette;    BA;    6-benzylaminopurine;    DTT;    dithiothreitol;    EST;    expressed sequence tag;    GA3;    gibberellic acid;    JA;    jasmonic acid;    MDR;    multidrug resistance;    MRP;    MDR-associated protein;    NAA;    α-naphthalene acetic acid;    OsPDR9;    Oryza sativa PDR-type ABC protein 3;    PAC;    P1-derived artificial chromosome;    PDR;    pleiotropic drug resistance;    PEG;    polyethylene glycol;    RACE;    rapid amplification of cDNA ends;    RAP-PCR;    RNA arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction;    SA;    salicylic acid;    TMS;    transmembrane-spanning α-helix;   
DOI  :  10.1016/S0014-5793(03)01060-3
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

Little is known about the role of pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR)-type ATP-binding (ABC) proteins in plant responses to environmental stresses. We characterised ospdr9, which encodes a rice ABC protein with a reverse (ABC-TMS6)2 configuration. Polyethylene glycol and the heavy metals Cd (20 μM) and Zn (30 μM) rapidly and markedly induced ospdr9 in roots of rice seedlings. Hypoxic stress also induced ospdr9 in rice roots, salt stress induced ospdr9 at low levels but cold and heat shock had no effect. The plant growth regulator jasmonic acid, the auxin α-naphthalene acetic acid and the cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine triggered ospdr9 expression. The antioxidants dithiothreitol and ascorbic acid rapidly and markedly induced ospdr9 in rice roots; the strong oxidant hydrogen peroxide also induced ospdr9 but at three times lower levels. The results suggested that redox changes may be involved in the abiotic stress response regulation of ospdr9 in rice roots.

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