FEBS Letters
Proteolytic cleavage of the EMR2 receptor requires both the extracellular stalk and the GPS motif
Stacey, Martin1  Lin, Hsi-Hsien1  Gordon, Siamon1  Kwakkenbos, Mark J.2  Chang, Gin-Wen1  Hamann, Jörg2 
[1]Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RE, UK
[2]Laboratory for Experimental Immunology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
关键词: Post-translational modification;    Proteolytic cleavage;    ECD;    extracellular domain;    FACS;    fluorescence-activated cell sorting;    Fc;    fragment crystallisable;    GPCR;    G protein-coupled receptor;    GPS;    GPCR proteolysis site;    LNB-TM7;    long N-terminal family B GPCR-related 7TM receptor;    PAGE;    polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis;    TM;    transmembrane;   
DOI  :  10.1016/S0014-5793(03)00695-1
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

EMR2 is a human myeloid-restricted member of the EGF-TM7 receptor family that contains a highly conserved math formula protein-coupled receptor math formularoteolysis math formulaite (GPS) in the membrane-proximal region. Here the post-translational proteolytic cleavage of EMR2 at GPS was investigated. We show the cleavage occurs at Leu517-Ser518 and is independent of the transmembrane domains. The non-covalent association of the resulting extracellular α-subunit and transmembrane β-subunit requires a minimum of eight amino acids in the β-subunit. The GPS motif is necessary, but not sufficient for receptor cleavage, which requires the entire extracellular stalk. Thus, an alternatively spliced EMR2 isoform with a truncated stalk fails to undergo proteolytic cleavage. Alternative splicing therefore provides a means to regulate GPS cleavage, producing receptors with two distinct structures.

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