FEBS Letters
Phosphoinositide signaling disorders in human diseases
Payrastre, Bernard1  Pendaries, Caroline1  Plantavid, Monique1  Tronchère, Hélène1 
[1] Inserm U563, Centre de Physiopathologie de Toulouse Purpan, Département d'oncogenèse et signalisation dans les cellules hématopoïétiques, Hôpital Purpan, 31059 Toulouse Cedex, France
关键词: Phosphoinositides;    Cancer;    Myotubular myopathy;    Charcot–Marie–Tooth neuropathy;    Lowe syndrome;    Bacterial infection;    PIs;    phosphoinositides;    DAG;    diacylglycerol;    PtdIns;    phosphatidylinositol;    PLC;    phospholipase C;    PH;    pleckstrin homology;    PX;    phox homology;    ENTH;    epsin N-terminal homology;    FERM;    band 4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin;    FYVE;    Fab1p/YOTB/Vac1p/EEA1;    SNX;    sorting nexin;    PDK;    3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase;    PKC;    protein kinase C;    PTEN;    phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten;    SHIP;    Src homology 2-containing inositol-5-phosphatase;    XLMTM;    X-linked myotubular myopathy;    MTM1;    myotubularin;    MTMR;    myotubular myopathy-related protein;    CMT4B;    Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease type 4B;    EEA1;    early endosome antigen 1;    SBF2;    SET binding factor 2;    SET;    Survar 3-9;    Enhancer-of-zeste;    Trithorax;    OCRL;    oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe phosphatase;    Inl;    internalin;    NFκB;    nuclear factor-κB;    IpgD;    entry-mediating invasin phosphatase;   
DOI  :  10.1016/S0014-5793(03)00437-X
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

Phosphoinositides (PIs) play an essential role in diverse cellular functions. Their intracellular level is strictly regulated by specific PI kinases, phosphatases and phospholipases. Recent discoveries indicate that dysfunctions in the control of their level often lead to pathologies. This review will focus on some human diseases whose etiologies involve PI-metabolizing enzymes. The role of PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten) in cancer, the impact of the Src homology 2-containing inositol-5-phosphatase phosphatases in acute myeloid leukemia or diabetes, the involvement of myotubularin family members in genetic diseases and the implication of OCRL1 in Lowe syndrome will be emphasized. We will also review how some bacterial pathogens have evolved strategies to specifically manipulate the host cell PI metabolism to efficiently infect them.

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