FEBS Letters
Cyanide‐reactive sites in cytochrome bd complex from E. coli
Gennis, Robert2  Arutjunjan, Alexander M.1  Krasnoselskaya, Irina1  Smirnova, Irina1  Konstantinov, Alexander A.1 
[1]A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russian Federation
[2]School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain, Urbana, IL, USA
关键词: Cytochrome bd;    Magnetic circular dichroism;    Cyanide binding;    Bacterial oxidases;    Heme-heme interactions;    E. coli;    MCD;    magnetic circular dichroism;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(93)81004-J
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

Cyanide reacts with cytochrome bd from E. coli in an ‘aerobically oxidized’ state (mainly, an oxygenated complex b 558 3+ b 595 3+ d 2+-O2), bringing about (i) decomposition of the heme d 2+ oxycomplex (decay of the 648 nm absorption band) and (ii) extensive red shift in the Soret region accompanied by minor changes in the visible range assigned to ferric heme b 595. MCD spectra show that the Soret red shift is associated with heme b 558 3+ high-to low-spin transition. This is the first unambiguous demonstration that heme b 595 can bind exogenous ligands. No reaction of cyanide with b 558 is observed. In about 70% of the enzyme which forms the cyano complex, the spin-state transition of b 595 decay of heme d oxycomplex match each other kinetically (k eff ca. 0.002 s−1 at 50 mM KCN, pH 8.1, 25°C). This points to an interaction between the two hemes. The concerted binding of cyanide to d 3+ and b 595 3+, perhaps as a bridging ligand, is probably rate-limited by d 2+ oxycomplex autoxidation. In the remaining 30% of the isolated bd, there is a rapid phase of cyanide-induced b 595 spin-state transition which can be tentatively assigned to that proportion of the enzyme in which heme d is initially in the ferric rather than ferrous-oxy form.

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