FEBS Letters
Binding of GTP to transducin is not inhibited by arrestin and phosphorylated rhodopsin
Akino, Toyoaki1  Ohguro, Hiroshi1  Yoshizawa, Tôru2  Saito, Tetsuya1  Fukada, Yoshitaka2 
[1] Department of Biochemistry, Sapporo Medical College, Sapporo 060, Japan;Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606 Japan
关键词: Rod outer segment;    Guanosine triphosphate-binding protein;    Transducin;    Arrestin;    Rhodopsin;    Phosphorylation;    (Bovine retina);    ROS;    rod outer segments;    Rh;    rhodopsin;    Rh∗;    photobleaching intermediate of rhodopsin;    DTT;    dithiothreitol;    GppNHp;    guanosine-5'-(β;    γ-imido)triphosphate;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(90)80606-J
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

In the presence of a photobleaching intermediate of unphosphorylated or phosphorylated rhodopsin (Rh), the binding of GppNHp to transducin was measured with or without arrestin for elucidation of the shut-off mechanism of the visual transduction process in bovine rod outer segments. The ability of Rh to catalyze the formation of the transducin-GppNHp complex in the absence of arrestin was independent of the degree of phosphorylation of Rh. Furthermore, the catalyzing ability of the phosphorylated Rh was not reduced by the addition of arrestin. These observations indicate that the interaction between phosphorylated Rh and transducin was not inhibited by arrestin. Thus, the hypothesis was not supported that the PDE shut-off process is a simple competition between transducin and arrestin for binding to phosphorylated Rh.

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