FEBS Letters
Interaction of iodinated vinculin, metavinculin and α‐actinin with cytoskeletal proteins
Koteliansky, V.E.1  Belkin, A.M.1 
[1] Institute of Experimental Cardiology, USSR Cardiology Research Center, Academy of Medical Sciences, 3rd Cherepkovskaya str. 15 A, Moscow 121552, USSR
关键词: Vinculin;    Metavinculin;    α-Actinin;    Microfilament-membrane interaction;   
DOI  :  10.1016/0014-5793(87)80832-3
来源: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

Iodinated vinculin, metavinculin and α-actinin were used to probe the interaction of these proteins with electrophoretically separated cytoskeletal proteins. Using the gel overlay technique, we detected strong binding of 125I-vinculin and 125I-metavinculin to α-actinin, 175 kDa polypeptide, talin, vinculin and metavinculin themselves, and moderate binding to actin.125I-α-actinin was capable of interacting with vinculin and metavinculin. The specific binding of 125-I-α-actinin to vinculin and metavinculin immobilized on a polysterene surface was also demonstrated. We suggest that the ability of vinculin and α-actinin to form a complex may be realized in microfilament-membrane linkages.

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