Malaysian Journal of Computer Science
Hybrid Expert System of Rough Set and Neural Network
Ramlan Mahmod1  Moawia Elfaki Yahia1 
关键词: Hybrid systems;    Expert systems;    Rough sets;    Neural networks;    Data Pre-processing;   
DOI  :  
来源: University of Malaya * Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
【 摘 要 】

The combination of neural network and expert system can accelerate the process of inference, and then rapidly produce associated facts and consequences. However, neural network still has some problems such as providing explanation facilities, managing the architecture of network and accelerating the training time. Thus to address these issues we develop a new method for pre-processing based on rough set and merge it with neural network and expert system. The resulting system is a hybrid expert system model called a Hybrid Rough Neural Expert System (HRNES).

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