Primary care companion to the journal of clinical psychiatry
The Multifactorial Presentation of Depression in Acute Care
MD1  Michael E. Thase1 
关键词: Saccharides;    Yogurts;    Determination by classes;    HPLC;    Refractive index detector.;   
DOI  :  10.4088/JCP.12084su1c.01
来源: Physicians Postgraduate Press,Inc.
【 摘 要 】
Depression is by its very nature a heterogeneous disorder; 2 patients with the same diagnosis (ie, major depressive disorder) may have few symptoms in common. This heterogeneity is evidenced by the fact that depression presents in a wide variety forms related to polarity (unipolar vs bipolar), symptoms (melancholic, atypical, psychotic, or anxious), onset (specific events, seasons, or age), recurrence, and severity. These diagnostic specifiers and subgroups can guide treatment decisions in several ways. For example, recognizing a specific depressive subtype in a patient can help the clinician select an appropriate treatment based on that patient’s particular presentation. These subtypes can also guide treatment by helping the clinician and patient to identify and discuss factors that help or hinder the achievement of remission and recovery. Although depression specifiers and subtypes are subject to revision and change, many of them provide helpful information about recognition and treatment.
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