Guttmacher Policy Review
Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Adolescents in School-Based Health Centers
Heather D. Boonstra1 
[1]Guttmacher Institute$$
关键词: Mock theta functions;    theta functions;    Gaussian polynomials;   
DOI  :  10.1186/2046-4053-1-49
来源: Guttmacher Institute
【 摘 要 】
HIGHLIGHTS�? School-based health centers (SBHCs) are an important source of medical care for low-income and uninsured adolescents, and are a promising way of addressing unintended pregnancy and STIs.�? Controversy over teens and sex has had a significant impact on the provision of sexual and reproductive health services, and many SBHCs remain limited in their ability to meet the needs of adolescents by dispensing contraceptives on-site.�? Many SBHCs have overcome challenges and successfully integrated sexual and reproductive health services with other medical care. They can serve as models for other SBHCs.
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