RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie
3D Drucken und die Anwendungen
Andreas Gebhardt1  Miranda Fateri1 
[1] FH Aachen, Lehrgebiet Hochleistungsverfahren der Fertigungstechnik und Rapid Prototyping
关键词: 3D Printing;    AM Anwendungen: Lebensmittel;    medizinische Implantate;    Additive Manufacturing;    Architektur;    Architektur;    Ausbildung;    Bio Printing;    Design;    Eduction by AM;    Food Printing;    Jewelry;    Maslov’s Pyramide of Needs;    Medical Implants;    Rapid Prototyping;    Maslov's Pyramide der Bedürfnisse;   
DOI  :  
来源: DiPP NRW
【 摘 要 】

An increasing amount of popular articles focus on making models and sculptures by 3D Printing thus making more and more even private users aware of this technology. Unfortunately they mostly draw an incomplete picture of how our daily life will be influenced by this new technology. Often this is caused by a very technical point of view based on not very representative examples. This article focuses on the peoples needs as they have been structured by the so-called Maslow pyramid. Doing so, it underlines that 3D Printing (called Additive Manufacturing or Rapid Prototyping as well) already touches all aspects of life and is about to revolutionize most of them.

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