RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie
Leicht zu reinigende Schichten auf lasergesinterten Rapid-Prototyping Bauteilen
Jens Bohnet1 
[1] Fraunhofer IPA & RP-Plating GmbH
关键词: Rapid Prototyping;    Hygienic Design;    Reinigung;    Beschichtung;    Schichten;    Reinigungstests;    Lebensmittel;    Automatisierung;   
DOI  :  
来源: DiPP NRW
【 摘 要 】

The Fraunhofer IPA has developed a process to galvanise which laser sintered rapid prototyping parts. Aim is a surface that can be easily cleaned. Goal is the posibility to use rapid prototyping components in the food processing industry. For this, the rough surfaces of the components will be leveled and surrounded by a well-cleanable coating. The parts have been tested by temperature cycling tests to prove the stability of the coating.A independend laboratory (Weihenstephan) made especially cleaning test. Weihenstephan is accredited by the EHEDG. The result of the test is: "The coated rapid prototyping components correspond to a the hygienic design requirements as specified by the EHEDG."

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