Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
Design, Construction and Testing of a Dry Sand Sieving Machine
Ogunwole, Oladeji Akanni1 
关键词: Sieving;    Uniformly Graded;    Coefficient of Uniformity;    Slip;    V-Belt;    Efficiency;   
DOI  :  
来源: University of Port Harcourt * Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry
【 摘 要 】

This paper reports on the design, construction and Testing of a dry sand sievingmachine. The sample to be sieved is uniformly graded. The coefficient of uniformity is 1.11, thus themachine design does not sieve larger particles such as gravel. The slip calculated is 36% whichenabled the proper configuration of the V-belt. The theoretical efficiency of the machine calculatedis 97%.

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