Bulletin of the Korean chemical society
Influence of Acetylation on the Antimicrobial Properties of Chitosan Non-Woven Fabrics
Soo-Jin Park1  Heung Soap Choi1  Hye Kyoung Shin1  Mira Park1  Fan-Long Jin1  David S. Kim1  Hak-Yong Kim1  Keziah H. Kim1 
关键词: Chitosan;    Non-woven fabrics;    Active chlorine content;    Antimicrobial activity;    Surface properties;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】
Chitosan non-woven fabrics were acetylated to improve their antimicrobial properties. The active chlorine content, antimicrobial properties, storage stability, and surface properties of acetylated chitosan non-woven fabrics were investigated. The active chlorine content of the fabrics increased upon reduction of the degree of the acetylation or increase in sodium hypochlorite concentration. Acetylated chitosan non-woven fabrics showed powerful antimicrobial activity by efficiently killing Escherichia coli and forming a growth inhibition zone for Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy observations demonstrated that the acetylated chitosan non-woven fabrics were not damaged in sodium hypochlorite solution.
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