Bulletin of the Korean chemical society
Enhanced Gas Sensing Properties of Bi2O3-Core/In2O3-Shell Nanorod Gas Sensors
Sunghoon Park1   Chongmu Lee1  Soyeon An1  Changhyun Jin1  Hyunsung Ko1 
关键词: Bi2O3;    In2O3;    Nanorods;    Sensor;    NO2;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】

The Bi2O3 nanowires are highly sensitive to low concentrations of NO2 in ambient air and are almost insensitive to most other common gases. However, it still remains a challenge to enhance their sensing performance and detection limit. This study examined the influence of the encapsulation of β-Bi2O3 nanorods with In2O3 on the NO2 gas sensing properties. β-Bi2O3-core/In2O3-shell nanorods were fabricated by a two-step process comprising the thermal evaporation of Bi2O3 powders and sputter-deposition of In2O3. Multiple networked β- Bi2O3-core/In2O3-shell nanorod sensors showed the responses of 12-156% at 1-5 ppm NO2 at 300 oC. These response values were 1.3-2.7 times larger than those of bare β-Bi2O3 nanorod sensors at 1-5 ppm NO2. The enhancement in the response of β-Bi2O3 nanorods to NO2 gas by the encapsulation by In2O3 can be accounted for based on the space-charge model.

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