Bulletin of the Korean chemical society
Laser Ablation of a ZnO:P2O5 Target under the Presence of a Transverse Magnetic Field
Jae Kyu Song1  Jin Jae Park1  Doc Yong Gwak1  Md Alauddin1  Seung Min Park1 
关键词: P-doped ZnO;    Laser-induced plasma;    Transverse magnetic field;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】

From time-resolved optical emission spectra, we have investigated the effects of a transverse magnetic field on the expansion of a plasma plume produced by laser ablation of a ZnO:P2O5 ceramic target in oxygen active atmosphere. The emission spectra of Zn+*, P+*, and Zn* neutrals in the presence of magnetic field turn out to be considerably different from those without magnetic field. The characteristics of the deposited films grown on amorphous fused silica substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) are examined by analyzing their photoluminescence (PL), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and UV-visible spectra.

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