Bulletin of the Korean chemical society
Characterization of AC/TiO2 Composite Prepared with Pitch Binder and Their Photocatalytic Activity
Jang-Soon Bae1  Ming-Liang Chen1  Won-Chun Oh1 
关键词: AC;    BET surface area;    SEM;    XRD;    Photocatalytic activity;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】
In this study, we have prepared pitch binded AC (activated carbon)/TiO2 composites photocatalysts through carbon tetrachloride solvent method. The developed samples were characterized with surface properties, structural crystallinity between AC and TiO2, elemental identification and photocatalytic activity. The results of the textural surface properties demonstrate that there are slight increases in the BET surface area and adsorbed volume from adsorption isotherm of composite samples with increasing of the amount of AC. The SEM results present to the characterization of porous texture on the pitch/AC/TiO2 composites and homogenous compositions in the particle for all the materials used. From XRD data, a weak and broad carbon peak of graphene remained rutile peaks kept with anatase structure were observed in the X-ray diffraction patterns for the pitch/AC/TiO2 composites. The EDX spectra show the presence of C, O and S with strong Ti peaks. Most of these samples are richer in carbon and major Ti metal than any other elements. Finally, the excellent photocatalytic activity of the pitch/AC/TiO2 composites between relative concentration (c/co) of MB and UV irradiation time could be attributed to the both effects between photocatalysis of the supported TiO2 and adsorptivity of the two kinds of carbons.
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