Bulletin of materials science
Structure, morphology and corrosion resistance of Ni�?�Mo+PTh composite coatings
J NiedbaÅ‚a1 
[1] Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, ul. SowiÅ„skiego 5, Poland$$Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, ul. SowiÅ„skiego 5, PolandInstitute of Non-Ferrous Metals, ul. SowiÅ„skiego 5, Poland$$
关键词: Niâ€�?�Mo+PTh composite coatings;    electropolymerization;    electrodeposition;    corrosion resistance.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】

Ni�?�Mo+PTh composite coatings were prepared from nickel�?�molybdenum galvanic bath with the addition of thiophene (Th) and HClO4 as result of two processes: induced Ni�?�Mo alloy deposition and PTh polymerization. A scanning electron microscope was used for surface morphology characterization of the coatings. The Scanning ElectrochemicalWorkstationM370 was used to the surface map of the tested composite coatings. The chemical composition of the coatings was determined by the energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) method. It was stated that the surface of the coatings are characterized by the presence of Ni�?�Mo particles and polythiophene agglomerates. Electrochemical corrosion investigations of coatings were carried out in the 5 M KOH solution, using voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods. On the basis of these research works it was found that the composite Ni�?�Mo+PTh coatings are more corrosion resistant in alkaline solution than Ni�?�Mo. The reasons for this are the presence of the polymer on the surface of the coatings and a decrease of corrosion active surface area of the coatings.

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