Bulletin of materials science
Synthesis of MoO3 and its polyvinyl alcohol nanostructured film
Arunkumar Lagashetty1  A Venkataraman2  S Basavaraja2  Vijayanand Havanoor2 
[1] Appa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gulbarga 585 101, India$$Appa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gulbarga 585 101, IndiaAppa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gulbarga 585 101, India$$;Department of Materials Science and Chemistry, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga 585 106, India$$Department of Materials Science and Chemistry, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga 585 106, IndiaDepartment of Materials Science and Chemistry, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga 585 106, India$$
关键词: Combustion method;    MoO3;    polyvinyl alcohol;    nanocomposite.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】

The synthesis of ultrafine MoO3 through a self-propagating combustion route employing polyethylene glycol as fuel is reported. The precursor molybdenum oxalate is employed in this study for the conversion of the precursor to ultrafine MoO3 particles. The solvent casting method is adopted for the synthesis of MoO3 dispersed polyvinyl alcohol nanostructured film (MoO3�?�PVA). These synthesized MoO3 and their composite samples are characterized for their structure, morphology, bonding and thermal behaviour by XRD, SEM, IR and DSC techniques, respectively. The distribution of MoO3 in polyvinyl alcohol gives a crystalline polymer, a compact structure and an increase in glass transition temperature.

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