Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering
Global Outsourcing of Aircraft Maintenance
Worrells, D. Scott1  McFadden, Michael1 
关键词: Maintenace Repair Overhaul;    Outsourcing;    Maintenance;   
DOI  :  10.5703/1288284314659
来源: Purdue University
【 摘 要 】

Before the airlines were deregulated, the majority of air carriers conducted their maintenance in-house. After deregulation, with competitive pressures mounting and airlines failing and starting up seemingly simultaneously, the outsourcing of maintenance became more prevalent. Not restricted to U.S. airlines, outsourcing maintenance has become a global practice. Factors involved in the outsourcing decision range from a startup not having the capital to develop their own in-house maintenance program, to legacy carrier’s cost cutting efforts, and all points in between. This paper will address specific aspects of the global outsourcing of aircraft maintenance. For the purposes of this paper, Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) and maintenance are used synonymously.

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