International Journal of Online Engineering
Pattern-Based Conceptual Modeling of Interaction with Cyber Physical Systems
Suihuai Yu1  Junfeng Wang2  Ning Wang1 
[1] Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityNorthwestern Polytechnical UniversityNorthwestern Polytechnical University;Northwestern Polytechnical University,Southwest University of Science and TechnologyNorthwestern Polytechnical University,Southwest University of Science and TechnologyNorthwestern Polytechnical University,Southwest University of Science and Technology
关键词: Cyber Physical System;    System human interaction;    conceptual models;    design methodology;    design patterns;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

Supported by ubiquitous, pervasive and embedded computing, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) support actors and groups by services anywhere and anytime. How users interact with CPS and the provided service is the key to success. To keep a holistic view of human-CPS interaction, we propose narratives, pattern-based diagrammatic conceptual models, and formalized conceptual models which are used for step-wise derivation of design models for distributed service infrastructures. Reusable design patterns for diagrammatic model are constructed for illustrating the human-CPS interaction processes. Finally, a use case is used to illustrate the implementation of the proposed method.

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