International Journal of Online Engineering
Design and Implementation of Experiments with Real-Time Shared Architecture using Different Mobile Systems
Bahaa Ibraheem Kazem2  Mazen Rahman Ali1 
[1] University of BaghdadUniversity of BaghdadUniversity of Baghdad;University of Baghdad Visiting Professor at University of Missouri-college of EngineeringUniversity of Baghdad Visiting Professor at University of Missouri-college of EngineeringUniversity of Baghdad Visiting Professor at University of Missouri-college of Engineering
关键词: iLab;    remote control;    web-based laboratory;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

In this work, we suggested a new design for internet laboratory at University of Baghdad (UoB-iLab) that can be used by the students off-campus to execute real time experiments in the on- campus laboratories at Baghdad university. The developed UoB-iLab architecture is designed to be used with limited internet bandwidth and concurrent access by users and administrators. The Arduino ® Microcontroller had been used to establish the interface platform with various laboratory devices using C and C++ programming language to control input/output signals for a specific lab device. The web interface for the system has been developed using HTML, PHP, and AJAX along with JAVA language to build graphical real-time interfaces for the experiments that can work on any operating system platform (Windows, Mac Os, Linux, Unix, BeOs) on PCs and mobile devices. Several experiments were designed to check the reliability of the suggested UoB-iLab architecture to deal with different types of input and output configurations during the real experiments session and while using several types of sensors and actuators. The suggested design of UoB-iLab can be used to implement several types of real-time experiments to improve the practical skills for engineering college students at University Of Baghdad and other Universities without the need for high resource investment.

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