International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC)
E-Learning in Kazakhstan: Stages of Formation and Prospects for Development
Daniyar Sapargaliyev1 
[1] Eurasian National UniversityEurasian National UniversityEurasian National University
关键词: e-Learning;    ICT;    government program;    informatization;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

Today Kazakhstan is a country with a very high level of literacy. The living standards and economy in the country are growing very rapidly. But the emergence of e-Learning was held stable and haphazard. This is due to many factors - later involvement in the process of society?s ?informatization, lack of attention to the development of distance and corporate learning. Meanwhile, e-Learning is important and a priority in education and business sectors. The Government is taking all efforts to diversify the process of implementing e-Learning for all citizens. The population of Kazakhstan is in a huge need for digital literacy. Year by year an increasing number of citizens are wishing to develop their ?digital culture. Many Kazakhs are ready to acquire new knowledge through e-Learning at universities and in the workplaces. In this paper we will consider the formation of e-Learning in Kazakhstan and contemporary challenges for the further development of e-Learning.

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