Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
Reconsidering the Meanings of Experiments and Instruments Based on the Analysis of Chemistry Experiments in Textbooks
Chui Im Choi1  Sun Kung Lee1 
关键词: Experiment;    Instrument;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】

Experiment is recognized as an important part in science and science education. Scientists do experiments for verifying or refuting theory and they take many forms to do experiments. One of the central goals of science education is to improve inquiry ability. So we have taken for granted that students engage in authentic inquiry and experiment which scientists carry out to research. But it is not always positive about discussions and opinions what school experiment and its role is in learning science and understanding about science. There is certainly a gap between experiments which scientists and students do even though there is a theoretical basis of school science experiment. In this study, we discussed how scientific inquiry and school inquiry are different, and what it means to use instrument in school science experiment. And as a case, we analyzed chemistry experiments in science textbook and manipulation level of instruments which were handled in chemistry experiments, we shed light on the meanings of experiments and instruments in school science inquiry based on the result of experiments and instruments analysis.

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