Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
Use and Evaluation of Lignin as Ion Exchangers
A M El Masry1  Essam N Ads1  A M A Nada1 
关键词: Hydrolyzed lignin;    Phosphorylated lignin;    Crosslinked lignin;    Peroxy lignin;    Soda lignin;   
DOI  :  
来源: Korean Chemical Society
【 摘 要 】
Modified lignins were prepared. Soda and peroxy lignins were precipitated from black liquor produced from bagasse pulping with soda and peroxyacid pulping process. The precipitated lignins were hydrolyzed using 10% HCl. Different functional groups were also incorporated into lignin by carboxylation and phosphorylation reactions. Moreover crosslinking of these lignins were carried out using epichlorohydrin. Characterization of the modified lignins and lignins derivative were carried out using Infrared spectroscopy. Thermal analysis of these compounds were also carried out using TGA and DTA techniques. Efficiency of sorption of metal ions by the modified lignin was also investigated. It was found that, the peroxylignin and its derivatives show higher efficiency toward metal ions uptake than the soda lignin.
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