Bulletin of Emergency And Trauma
Two Validated Ways of Improving the Ability of Decision-Making in Emergencies; Results from a Literature Review
Amir Khorram-Manesh2  Eric Carlström1  Johan Berlin1 
[1] Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Center, Department of Surgery, Institution of clinical sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University
关键词: Decision-making;    Emergencies;    Disasters;    Crisis management;    Training;    Exercises;    Simulation;    Validated;    Real-time;    Command and control;    Communication;    Collaboration;    Multi-disciplinary;   
DOI  :  
来源: Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
【 摘 要 】

The aim of the current review wasto study the existing knowledge about decision-making and to identify and describe validated training tools.A comprehensive literature review was conducted by using the following keywords: decision-making, emergencies, disasters, crisis management, training, exercises, simulation, validated, real-time, command and control, communication, collaboration, and multi-disciplinary in combination or as an isolated word. Two validated training systems developed in Sweden, 3 level collaboration (3LC) and MacSim, were identified and studied in light of the literature review in order to identify how decision-making can be trained. The training models fulfilled six of the eight identified characteristics of training for decision-making.Based on the results, these training models contained methods suitable to train for decision-making.

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