Journal of Computational Science and Technology
Synthesis of Bistable Compliant Structures from Truss Mechanisms
Takuya KINOSHITA1  Makoto OHSAKI1 
[1] Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Kyoto University
关键词: Compliant Mechanism;    Bistable Structure;    Optimization;    Snapthrough;    Pseudo-joint;   
DOI  :  10.1299/jcst.3.417
来源: Japan Academy
【 摘 要 】

References(16)Cited-By(1)A sequential optimization approach is presented for topology synthesis of bistable compliant frame mechanisms. The truss-element-based approach for design of bistable compliant mechanisms enables us to overcome the difficulties due to local buckling in the optimization process considering geometrical nonlinearity. However, the truss mechanisms has a drawback in practical fabrication; it is impossible to make a singlepiece mechanism because of the existence of pin joints. In this paper, we propose an optimization method for converting a compliant truss mechanism to an equivalent frame mechanism. In our conversion process, some thin elements are placed at the connections as pseudo-joints to adjust the flexibility of the structure. The geometrically nonlinear behavior and the stability of a converted frame mechanism are also investigated. Numerical example demonstrates the effectiveness of our conversion method.

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