Journal of Computational Science and Technology
Adaptive Mesh Refinement with Elastic Stiffness Coefficients in the Quasicontinuum Model
Tomotsugu SHIMOKAWA1  Toshiyasu KINARI1  Sukenori SHINTAKU1 
[1] School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
关键词: Quasicontinuum;    Adaptive Mesh Refinement;    Computational Mechanics;    Molecular Dynamics;    Nanoindentation;    Elasticity;    Finite Deformation Theory;    Elastic Stiffness Coefficient;   
DOI  :  10.1299/jcst.3.408
来源: Japan Academy
【 摘 要 】

References(12)Cited-By(2)Adaptivemesh refinement and local/non-local transition in our quasicontinuum method (Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 69, No. 21(2004), pp.214104(1-10)) are studied in this paper. Although deformation gradients have been used to determine the mechanical state of an element in the original quasicontinuum method, we adopt elastic stiffness coefficients, which govern stress-strain relationships at finite deformation. Because elastic stiffness coefficients are calculated using the interatomic potential function, we do not need to prepare reference node (atomic) positions. To confirm its applicability, we performed nano-indentation simulations in two dimensions, and found that the criterion values estimated using deformation gradients and elastic stiffness coefficients show a positive correlation.

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