Journal of Computational Science and Technology
Computational Modeling of Superelastic Behaviors of Shape Memory Alloy Devices Under Combined Stresses
Daegon CHOI1  Yutaka TOI1 
[1] Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
关键词: Combined Stress;    Computational Mechanics;    Constitutive Equation;    Finite Element Method;    Shape Memory Materials;   
DOI  :  10.1299/jcst.2.535
来源: Japan Academy
【 摘 要 】

References(12)The three-dimensional incremental finite element formulation for the multiaxial behavior of shape memory alloy devices is proposed in the present study by considering the coupling effect of the axial and torsional behaviors of shape memory alloys. The previously proposed one-dimensional constitutive model for shape memory alloy devices is extended to take account of the multiaxial stress state introducing some new material constants. The calculated results are compared with the uniaxial, purely torsional and multiaxial test results for NiTi tubes to illustrate the validity of the proposed computational modeling.

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