Nove interpretacije fluvialnih sedimentov na Krasu
Andrej Mihevc1 
[1] Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZUTitov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna
关键词: brezstropa jama;    fluvialni sediment;    geomorfologija;    starost;    kras;    Kras;   
DOI  :  
来源: Univerza v Ljubljani * Filozofska Fakulteta / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy
【 摘 要 】

Important unroofed caves with fluvial sediments from Divaški kras, Matarsko podolje and Podgorski kras are presented. Extend of the phenomena and relation to the existing caves and karst surface and geomorphological meaning of them are described. Sediments from them were analysed and dated with different methods. The largest age of the sediment was found in the unroofed cave excavated in Črnotiče quarry. In the cave wall fossil remains of stygobiont Marifugia cavatica were covered by 3.2-4.1 Ma old fluvial sediments.

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