Odnosi i veze u prigraničnim područjima na primjeru hrvatsko-slovenske granice
Zoran Stiperski1 
[1] Geografski odsjek, PMF, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Maruličev trg 19, Zagreb, Hrvatska.
关键词: obmejno območje;    hrvaško – slovenska meja;    Sotla;    prekomejno sodelovanje;    lokalna skupnost;    regionalna politika.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Univerza v Ljubljani * Filozofska Fakulteta / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy
【 摘 要 】

This work deals with the possibility of answering the question: which is the new reality of the local community in the Croatian borderland towards Slovenia after the border between the states of the former Yugoslavia became the interstate border in 1991? The whole borderland has not been analyzed, but only its part along the river Sutla between two border crossings: Macelj (Zagreb-Maribor) and Bregana (Zagreb-Ljubljana). The conclusions were brought out on the basis of the poll taken among the representatives of the local political authority and industrial firms. We come upon three basic life characteristics of this borderland local community: a peaceful coexistence,a weak economic and social cooperation, anda slight separation after the state border establishment.

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