Defence Science Journal
Hazard Classification Testing of Primers used in Small Arms Ammunition.
A. K. Bhalla1  K. S. Uppal2  Mr. Vishvamitra2 
[1] Centre for Environment & Explosives Safety, Delhi;Centre for Environment & Explosives Safety, Dehli
关键词: Explosion hazards;    Projectiles;    Primers;    Initiating devices;   
DOI  :  
来源: Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
【 摘 要 】

Primer is a small initiating device used for ignition of propellant charge and subsequent ejection of projectile from a weapon. Hilherto, primers were classified under safely class. Recent accidents however, have raised doubts about their diversification. Field trials were therefore carried out to ascertain their correct behaviour under different conditions. It was observed that the nature of filling composition, its charge mass and the type of package had profound influence on the hazard classification which could change its classification from safety class to mass explosion hazard.

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