Defence Science Journal
Performance Simulation of HF-VHF Mobile Radio Systems in a Tactical Vehicle
S. Sundaresh1  S. Sathyamurthy1 
[1] Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment, Chennai
关键词: Performance model;    EMI model;    IMI;    inter modulation power;    CNR/SNR;    frequency separation;    propagation loss;    received signal power;    distance separation;    system noise;    fundamental interferencemargin;   
DOI  :  
来源: Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
【 摘 要 】

A simulation process evolved for evaluating the performance of HF-VHF multi-radio set configuration ina tactical command vehicle is discussed. Algorithms and performance models used in the simulation process arebriefly described. Simulation process is for a specific application in a defined area of deployment under knownoperating situations. Performance simulation also includes an interference simulation model corresponding to thesystem model so that a real world situation is analysed to the practicable extent. Wherever statistical data ormanufacturer's design data is not available, suitable default values are assumed for applicable, battlefield scenarioquoted in the literature. This simulation tool can be extended to many applications (with modification to RFpower of transmitters, receiver sensitivity, frequency separation, distance separation, channel spacing, frequencyrange, communication range, etc. of  tactical vehicles  operating in combinations of   HF-VHF-UHF regions). Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(6), pp.762-767 , DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.1704

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