Defence Science Journal
Implementing Secure Group Communications using Key Graphs
Ch. Aswani Kumar1  M. Preethi1  R. Sri Lakshmi1 
[1] Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
关键词: Data encryption;    group communication;    key graphs;    scalability of secure groupcommunication;   
DOI  :  
来源: Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
【 摘 要 】

While the technical issues of securing unicast communications for client-server computingare fairly well-understood, the technical issues of securing group communications are not. Theexisting approach to improve the scalability is to decompose a large group of clients into manysubgroups and employ a hierarchy of group security agents. In this paper, the secure groupcommunications using key graphs and the implementation of a different hierarchical approachto improve the scalability and secure group communication using key graphs has been presented.

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