Defence Science Journal
Software-based Solution for Analysis and Decoding of FSK-2 Modulated, Baudot-coded Signals
Neena Gupta1  R.S. Prasad1  Mukesh Malhotra2 
[1] Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh;Scientific Analysis Group, Delhi
关键词: Frequency shift keying;    fast Fourier transform;    autocorrelation;    sliding window;    hopping window;    FSK;    FFT;   
DOI  :  
来源: Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
【 摘 要 】

In the present-day scenario, digital communication has become predominant choice over analog communication worldwide. Digital modulation schemes form the main block of the digital communication. Among these, frequency shift keying (FSK-2) is a widely used technique employed for Baudot-coded english text transmission. A Baudot-coded-FSK-2 modulated signal was simulated corresponding to an english text file. A technique has been developed for its analysis and decoding in the MATLAB environment. This technique does the signal analysis, its parameter extraction, and then digital demodulation, to retrieve its corresponding composite bit-stream. An efficient method for edge detection using the number of zero-crossings has been devised and implemented successfully. From the composite bit-stream, overhead bits were removed and decoding was performed to get back the text output.

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