Defence Science Journal
Software Quality Assurance-Challenges in Launch Vehicle Projects
R. Vikraman Nair1  D. Mohan Kumar1  Poofa Gopalan1  S.S. Uma Sankari1 
[1] Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
关键词: Software quality assurance;    launch vehicle;    testing;    simulation;    verification;    validation;    software fault injection;   
DOI  :  
来源: Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
【 摘 要 】

Launch vehicle projects now depend on software, more than ever before, to ensure safety and efficiency. Such critical software syfiems, which can lead to injury, destruction or loss of vital equipment, human lives, and damage to environment, must be developed and verified with high level of quality and reliability. An overview of current quality practices pursued in launch vehicle projects is presented in this paper. These practices have played a vital role in the successful launch vehicle missions of Indian Space Research Organisation. As complexity of software increases, the activity that gets affected is nothing but, software quality assurance (SQA). The SQA team is facing a lot of challenges in current practices. This paper brings out such challenges in different phases of software life cycle. A set of key points to some techniques and tools, that could contribute to meet the software quality 'assurance challenges in launch vehicle projects, are also discussed.

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