Defence Science Journal
Thermal Stability and Shelf-life of High Energy Fuel for Torpedoes (Short Communication)
A. D. Yewale1  N. M. Bhide1  G. K. Gupta1  J. S. Karir1  S. S. Adhav1  K. C. Raha1 
[1] High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune
关键词: High energy fuel;    torpedoes;    shelf-life;    explosives;    liquid fuel;    2-nitro diphenylamine;    thermal stability;    torpedo propulsion;    bi-propellant system;    1;    2-dinitroxy propane;   
DOI  :  
来源: Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
【 摘 要 】

1,2-Dinitroxy propane-based liquid fuel isan advanced high energy fuel for torpedoes. The high energy fuel isused with an oxidiser, viz., hydroxyl ammonium perchlorate as abi-propellant system for torpedo propulsion. Thermal stability of highenergy fuel has been arrived at by differential thermal analysis andalso by following the depletion in stabiliser content as well asincrease in acidity with ageing. Rate constant for decomposition,activation energy for depletion of 2-nitro diphenylamine (2-NDPA) andshelf-life of high energy fuel have been determined. Due to the highvapour pressure of high energy fuel (because of 1,2-dinitroxy propane ),usual experimental set up could not be used and the sample wasconditioned in sealed tubes. The shelf-life of high energy fuel isarrived at using Woolwich, Berthelot and Arrhenius equations and theresults obtained are 100 years, 125 years and 276 years, respectively.Considering the safety aspect, the lowest value, viz., 100 years isrecommended as safe life of high energy fuel. This work confirms thereported estimates of the good storage stability of high energy fuel.

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