Marine Ecology Progress Series
Pingers cause temporary habitat displacement in the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena
Line A. Kyhn1  Jonas Teilmann1  Jakob Tougaard1  Nikolaj I. Bech1  Jacob Carstensen1  Torben Dabelsteen1  Poul B. Jørgensen1 
关键词: Acoustic deterrent devices;    ADD;    Small odontocetes;    Habituation;    Habitat displacement;    Bycatch;    T-POD;    Passive acoustic monitoring;    Special Areas of Conservation;    Noise pollution;   
DOI  :  10.3354/meps11181
来源: Inter-Research
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACT: Several studies have shown that pingers mitigate porpoise bycatch and thus pinger use is now mandatory in some fisheries—although the long-term effects of pinger exposure on porpoises have not been well studied. The effects of 2 types of pingers (Airmar: 10 kHz tone; SaveWave Black Saver: 30-160 kHz sweep) on the presence of wild harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, were investigated in 2 areas. Pinger spacing within the areas was similar to that used in commercial fisheries. Two scenarios were tested: (1) pingers were periodically activated and deactivated during 6 periods resembling the deployment and recovery of nets in a gillnet fishery, and (2) pingers were active continuously for 28 d. Acoustic dataloggers (T-PODs) were deployed, 4 within the pinger areas and 3 in control areas, and detected porpoise echolocation activity throughout the entire study. During the periodic-exposure scenario, the porpoise detection rate was reduced by 56% when pingers were active. The reduction was larger for the SaveWave pingers (65%) than for the Airmar pingers (40%). There was a tendency for the encounter rate to increase after the first 2-4 periodic exposures, which could indicate gradual habituation. During the continuous-exposure scenario, the detection rate was reduced by 65% throughout the 28 d with no sign of habituation. In the control areas (2.5, 3 and 5 km distant), neither a decrease nor an increase in detection rate was observed, suggesting that porpoises were displaced either <2.5 km or >5 km away. If pingers are used as deterrent devices, the impact of habitat exclusion must therefore be considered concurrently with mitigation of bycatch, especially when regulating fisheries in Marine Protected Areas.

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