Marine Ecology Progress Series
Seagrass habitat loss and fragmentation influence management strategies for a blue crab Callinectes sapidus fishery
Helen M. Regan1  Kevin A. Hovel1  Toni Mizerek1 
关键词: Habitat fragmentation;    Fishing;    Blue crab;    Callinectes sapidus;    Seagrass;    Seascape;    Reintroduction;   
DOI  :  10.3354/meps09021
来源: Inter-Research
【 摘 要 】

ABSTRACT: Marine biodiversity is increasingly threatened by multiple processes, and management strategies therefore must explicitly address the synergistic effects of multiple threats to marine species. The effects of harvesting and habitat degradation may be magnified for many coastal marine fishery species that rely on structurally complex nursery habitats to enhance survival and growth of postlarval and juvenile life history stages. Fishery management strategies that do not account for processes reducing juvenile survival and growth may overestimate the amount of biomass that can be taken; similarly, conservation and restoration strategies for nursery habitats that do not account for variable recruitment may fail. We used the blue crab Callinectes sapidus as a case study to investigate the population-level effects of harvest and seagrass habitat loss and fragmentation. We used available data to parameterize a stochastic stage-based model to test combinations of management strategies, namely reduced harvest rates and introductions of juvenile crabs to nursery habitat. Under a no-harvest scenario, large continuous areas of seagrass supported the largest blue crab populations. However, when harvest rates exceeded 20%, median population abundance was maximized in seascapes composed of smaller, fragmented seagrass patches. Populations in isolated patches of seagrass benefitted more from the introduction of crabs rather than harvest reduction, but the opposite was true for crab populations inhabiting highly connected seagrass seascapes. Management of species that use seagrass beds as nursery habitat must consider the spatial context of multiple threats and their potential synergies to maintain population persistence.

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