竹田 博之1  大平 陽一2  佐々木 良治3 
[1] 近畿中国四国農業研究センター;東北農業研究センター;農林水産省農林水産技術会議事務局
关键词: Cropping season;    作期;    Digestible protein;    易消化性タンパク質;    Low glutelin;    低グルテリン;    Oryza sativa L;    水稲;    Protein composition;    タンパク質組成;    Seed-protein mutant cultivar;    タンパク質変異米水稲品種;    Storage protein;    貯蔵タンパク質;    Temperature during the ripening period;    登熟気温;   
DOI  :  10.1626/jcs.82.18
来源: Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai / Crop Science Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】

The essential points for controlling the digestible protein content (DP) of rice grain at low levels in seed-protein mutant rice cultivars (SPMR) were investigated. A low-glutelin cultivar ‘LGCsoft’, a 26-kDa globulin-deficient low-glutelin cultivar ‘LGC-Jun’, and a normal-type cultivar ‘Nihonmasari’, were cultivated for 8–9 cropping seasons over a period of 4 years. Factors affecting seed protein composition and protein content in rice grain were analyzed. DP was affected by both the total protein content (TP) and the ratio of DP to TP in all cultivars. However, the effect of DP/TP on DP was greater in ‘LGCsoft’ and ‘LGC-Jun’ than in ‘Nihonmasari’. A positive correlation between DP/TP and air temperature from 0 to 15 days after heading was observed in all cultivars. The highest correlation coefficient was observed from 0 to 10 days after heading in ‘LGCsoft’ and ‘LGC-Jun’, which was slightly earlier than in ‘Nihonmasari’. Therefore, it is important to adjust the planting season to avoid high temperatures during the early ripening period for the cultivation of SPMR. TP affected DP more than DP/TP not only in ‘Nihonmasari’ but also in SPMR. A positive correlation was observed between TP and the nitrogen content of shoots at the heading stage, and a negative correlation was observed between TP and the percentage of ripened grains. These results indicate that shoot nitrogen status and percentage of ripened grains should be taken into account in planting and cultivation management plans.

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